Januari 15, 2017

Professional Resume

Judul: Professional Resume
Penulis: Merrill Sovner

EXPERIENCE Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY
09/13-presentWilliam Randolph Hearst Fellow
Collaborate with Center staff, donors and alumni on an impact study of the International Fellows Program, which brings emerging and senior leaders from community foundations and support organizations from around the world for research and reflection. Support to the Center's mission to strengthen civil society through education, research, and leadership training.
Open Society Foundations, New York, NY
05/10-08/13Deputy Director, East East Beyond Borders Program
Directed program dedicated to peer-to-peer learning and exchange among practitioners of open society. Primary responsibility for review and approval of 100+ proposals annually from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, submitted by a network of coordinators based in 28 countries. Assisted with the development of the program globally and adapting the infrastructure to new realities. Organized network-wide meetings and developed an information management system to share knowledge about funded projects.
Program Officer, Office of the President
11/02-05/10Reviewed and evaluated grant proposals on human rights, transparency and accountability and made funding recommendations to President. Worked closely with grantees and legal department to issue grant contract and payment. Monitored grants through reporting, site visits and evaluations. Tracked $ 30 million in grant budgets. Coordinated with other OSF programs and provided other support to the President. Special projects included coordinating proposals for a $ 200 million special innovation fund, overseeing a $ 50 million grant to the Millennium Villages Initiative, developing a grant portfolio for China, setting up a new entity in Nepal, and working on a team to improve knowledge management throughout the network.
12/01-11/02Program Assistant, Office of the Regional Director for the Western Balkans
Assisted the Regional Director in managing OSF's National Foundations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Reported semi-annually on a C$ 1 million grant from the Canadian International Development Agency for 5 projects in Southeastern Europe. Prepared budgets and financial statements. Organized regional conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Law Office of Sandra P. Nichols, New York, NY, USA
3/99-9/99; Paralegal
10/00-12/01Completed and submitted asylum applications, work petitions, family petitions and business visas for an immigration practice of primarily refugees. Interviewed clients and documented instances of torture. Researched country conditions and case law. Managed multiple filing deadlines. Wrote successful grant application for September 11th hardship relief. Consulted to the office from 2002 to 2006.
U.S. Department of State, Prague, Czech Republic
9/97-12/97Consular Intern
Processed visa applications, helped conduct visa interviews, and accompanied Consular officers on prison visits. Revised and updated the duty officer handbook, reviewed local medical clinics, and tracked and documented visa fraud cases.
EDUCATION the Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY
9/13-presentPh.D. program in political science
focus: donor support for civil society in democratizing countries
5/07-6/07Washington College of Law, the American University, Washington, DC
Certificate; Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Summer Program
9/99-9/00London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom
M.S.; comparative politics; graduated with merit
focus: democratic transition and consolidation, the politics of development
2/99Universidad de la Habana, Havana, Cuba
Certificate in Advanced Spanish Studies; seminar on the political and economic situation and met with Cuban students
9/93-5/98University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
B.A.; political science and communications studies; graduated with distinction

SKILLS Excellent Spanish; proficiency in Czech and French
Proficient in Microsoft Office suite

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