Februari 01, 2017

Anuradha Resume

Judul: Anuradha Resume
Penulis: Radha Anu

E.Anuradha Email ID : anuradha.1710@gmail.com
C/o Sree Amogha PG Homes, Mobile No : +91 9538 678 444
#70, Bhnd Venus Bakery,
Opp To KalamandirMarathahalli,
Bangalore – 560037
Career Objective:
To secure a challenging position in an organization and utilize my ability to the fullest extent for the growth and prosperity of the organization.
Educational Qualification:
MBA in Finance during 2009-2011 from Sree Venkateshawara University, Tirupathi with 70%.
Bachelor of Computers (B.Sc Computer) during the 2006-2009 from Sri Krishnadevaraya University (SKU), Anantapur with 76.4%.
Board of Intermediate Education during the 2004-2006 from Sri Satya Sai Junior college, Anantapur with 72.5%.
Board of School Secondary Education during the 2003-2004 from ZP High School, Kuderu with 75.4%.
Academic Project:
Title: A study on Inventory Management in Lanco Industries Ltd., Srikalahasti.
Area: Finance
Description: Lanco Industries Limited (LIL) was incorporated on 1st November, 1991 by Lanco Group of Companies to manufacture Pig Iron using Korf (German) technology and Cement. The installed capacity of Pig Iron was 90,000 TPA and with similar capacity 90,000 TPA for cement.
Project brief: To find out ABC analysis, EOQ & to calculate the inventory turnover ratios for cement production. Outcomes: It is find out that the consumption level depend on seasonal fluctuations in sales. Slag raw material is not moving regularly. The estimation of EOQ indicates a proper balance between the ordering cost and carrying cost.
Technical Skills:
Experience Details (GL process):
Worked as Associate in IGATE Global Solutions PVT LTD., from November 2011 to Aug 2014.
Project Details:
Client name: Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Canada.
Project name: Osprey-Royal Bank of Canada
RBC is the largest financial institution in Canada. The RBC Head quarters are located in Toronto, Ontario. The objective of the RBC is provide to financial services to the customers. Services like deposits, revenues and market capitalization.
In this RBC-Osprey project we are doing Investment Balancing (Register Savings Plan (RSP)).
Objectives of the process:
The main motto of the process is offsetting of the debit and credit entries.
For this we have to update Client Plan number and name in all outstanding entries. And offsetting the debit and credit entries. For the remaining outstanding entries the branch will provide information with that information we will do investigation.
Roles and Responsibilities:
To undertake the total volume of inflow for the Productivity Report on daily basis.
As per allocation to update client details and offsetting debit and credit entries. It is called possible match.
For Possible match of the debit and credit entries I require to match the client details like Plan number, Name, Amount and General Ledger.
I require to Quality Check on my range of all outstanding debit and credit entries. It is effect on Profile Status (Aging).
And to do investigation on all outstanding entries and that line items pend it for two days and to inform to branch.
Extracurricular activities:
Event organizer in our school and college annual day function.
Attended Awareness camp sponsored by Entrepreneurship Development Institution of India at Dept. of Mgt. Studies C.R.E.C. Tirupati.
Personal details:
Father's name: E. SangappaNationality: Indian
DOB : 12-06-1989
Marital status: Single
Permanent address: E. Anuradha, D/o E. Sangappa (Hotel), Kuderu (V&M), Anantapur Dist., Andhra Pradesh. Pin Code : 515711.
I hereby declare that the details mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place:(E. Anuradha)

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