Februari 01, 2017

Master Resume JAC

Judul: Master Resume JAC
Penulis: Jose Angel Ciceraro

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Contact Information Edit Contact Information 
Name: Jose A Ciceraro Address: 438 Cooper RoadHope Hull, Alabama 36043  US
Home Phone: (305) 505-0931 Alternate Phone: Email: jciceraro55@gmail.comNotification Preference: Email
Personal Information Edit Personal Information 
Driver's License: Yes, Alabama , 8635865 , Class D
Can you, after employment, submit proof of your legal right to work in the United States? Yes
What is your highest level of education? Doctorate
Preferences Edit Preferences 
Preferred Salary: $121,000.00 per year
Are you willing to relocate? Yes
  Does the agency provide relocation allowance
Types of positions you will accept: Regular
Types of work you will accept: Full Time
Types of shifts you will accept: Day
Objective To provide the best possible expertise in the areas of emergency management, continuity of operations, and disaster mitigation and recovery. Additionally utilize my vast experience in WMD and DoD planning. Education Add Education
CollegeCapella University1/2007 - 5/2014 Minneapolis, Minnesota Did you graduate: No College Major/Minor: Doctoral Degree in Emergency Management 3.7 AverageUnits Completed: 45 Quarter Degree Received: Other Edit | Delete

CollegeUniversity of Oklahoma6/1992 - 6/1994 Norman, Oklahoma Did you graduate: Yes College Major/Minor: Master's Degree in Public Administration Cum LaudeUnits Completed: 44 Quarter Degree Received: Other Edit | Delete

CollegeUTSA University of Texas at San Antonio6/1980 - 6/1982 San Antonio, Texas Did you graduate: Yes College Major/Minor: Political Science Cum LaudeUnits Completed: 144 Semester Degree Received: Bachelor's Edit | Delete
Work Experience Add Work Experience
Deputy Program Manager, MRDSS8/2010 - 6/2012ERP International LLChttp://www.erpinternational.com/60th Commerce StreetMontgomery, Alabama 36043 (334) 356-7731 Hours worked per week: 50Monthly Salary: $6,770.00# of Employees Supervised: 13Name of Supervisor: Mr. Gilbert - Program Manager, MRDSS May we contact this employer? Yes Edit | Delete
DutiesERP International, Gambrills, MD MRDSS: Deputy Program Manager & Functional Expert-Panning, 2009–2012. Medical Readiness Decision Support System• Chief of Operations (day to day operations)• Established office from scratch• Established Help desk phone and e-mail• Tracked all program related deliverables• Established Security Program for this program• Security Manager for ERP LLC• Established Safety Program• Coordinated all actions required for CAC Cards and USG VPN access• Assisted in development of software release completed under three months• Established Physical Security Program• Supervise Help Desk functions• Manage all of the day to issues• Provide briefings to Director of Operations on real world issues and the impact on MRDSS. Responsible for 31 additional areas of responsibility• Manage financial and logistics issues for this program• Information Assurance Officer for this program• Provide deliberate planning guidance in relation to this program Reason for LeavingPosition canceled by US Government

Senior Analyst6/2005 - 7/2009ScenPro Inc12120 Sunset Hills Road Suite 405Reston, Virginia 20190 (170) 343-77005 Hours worked per week: 50Monthly Salary: $8,800.00# of Employees Supervised: 0Name of Supervisor: Charles Yaghomour - Deputy Director May we contact this employer? Yes Edit | Delete
DutiesResponsible for research, analysis, and doctrine review for new Joint Capability Technology (JCT). Reviewed current planning and fielding of advance battlefield-medical capabilities to include reach back and telemedicine. Reviewed capabilities of utilizing the Joint Precision Air Drop System (JPADS) for medical resupply and movement of patients. Additionally, reviewed concepts of operation for the integration of the Joint Casualty Care System (JCCS). Assisted in the preparation of the Joint Medical Distance Support and Evacuation System (JMDSE). Responsible for providing support in the following areas: Logistics Support - Shipping of equipment and software overseas. Deployment Support - Provided and coordinated myriad of requirements to deploy contractors overseas. Provided administrative support by tracking numerous deployment issues to ensure completion prior to deployment. Financial Support - Maintained actual financial records regarding federal contracts.Assisted the Office of the Army Surgeon General (OTSG) in the review, rewrite, and staffing of NATO doctrine. Briefed senior leadership on the progress of diverse projects. Contributing author for NATO Allied Medical Publication 7(D) - Concept of Operations of Medical Support in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Environments.) 6 December 2007. Reason for LeavingUS government contract cancelled
Certificates and Licenses Add Certificates or Licenses
Type: Community Emergency Response Team Edit | Delete
Number: Issued by: York County Date Issued: 7 /2006    Date Expires:
Type: NIMS IS-00701.a Edit | Delete
Number: IS-00701.a Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires: Present /00
Type: HAZMAT IS-00055 5/17/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: IS-00055 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires:
Type: Pandemics IS-00522 5/17/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: IS-00522 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires:
Type: Safety IS-00035.11 5/17/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: IS-00035.11 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires:
Type: Military Resources in Emergency Management IS-00075 5/17/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: IS-00075 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires:
Type: Unified Hazard Mitigation IS-00212 5/19/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: IS-00212 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires:
Type: Joint Intelligence 5192011 5/19/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: 5192011 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires:
Type: General Orientation 5192011 5/19/2011 Edit | Delete
Number: 5192011 Issued by: FEMA Date Issued: 5 /2011    Date Expires: Skills Add Skills
Office Skills Edit
Typing: 35
Data Entry: 35

Other Skills
Microsoft Access Data Base Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Microsoft Excel Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Microsoft Word Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Microsoft Word Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Joint Operations Planning and Execution System Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Secured Internet Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Secured Telephone and Fax Systems Skilled - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Picazzo Photo Shop Beginner - 3 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Translation English to Spanish. Spanish to English Beginner - 10 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Italian Beginner - 3 years and 0 months Edit | Delete
Security Manager-JPAS Skilled - 4 years and 0 months Edit | Delete

Spanish - Speak, Read, Write Edit | Delete
Portuguese - Read, Write Edit | Delete
Additional Information Add Additional Information
Military Service Edit | Delete
SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONJoint Medical Planners Course (1996)Joint Operations & Planning Execution (1996-98) Global Command and Control System (99) Joint Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAHO) (1998)Ballistic Management Course (1998) Hazardous Material Handling (1998) Anti-Terrorist Training for First Responders (1998-99)Emergency Program Manager (1997) Disaster Preparedness-USA (1998) Radiological Emergency Management (1998) First Responder to Terrorist Attack, (1999) Hazardous Materials (2002) Earthquake Mitigation (2002) Animals in Disaster Part-I (2003) Animals in Disaster Part-II (2003) AWARDSDefense Meritorious Service MedalMeritorious Service Medal Air Force Commendation MedalJoint Achievement Medal Humanitarian Service MedalAir Force Achievement Medal Combat Medic Medal, Republic of El Salvador.

Publications Edit | Delete
PUBLICATIONSCiceraro, Jose A., "Requirements for Using the Armed Forces for Humanitarian, Civic Assistance in the United States of America", Master Degree Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1991.Bradford David, Ciceraro Jose A, -"A Critical Part of Nation Assistance". Military Review, March 1993Article published in Spanish, with a circulation of 23 countries worldwide.Morgan Juan, Ciceraro Jose A, "Multi-Service Procedures for Humanitarian Assistance Operations", Land Sea Activity (ALSA), August 1993. Ciceraro, Jose A., "Instruction on Humanitarian and Civic Assistance". Department Of Defense Directive 2205.2, July 1994Ciceraro, Jose A., "Requirements for Using the Armed Forces for Humanitarian, Civic Assistance in the United States of America", Military Review, March-April 1995,Graweleski, Stephen, Ciceraro Jose A., Medical Response Support Plan (MSRP), 24th Medical Group, 24th Wing, Air Force Medical Service, 1997.Ciceraro, Jose A, "Diabetes Research Language" United States Congressional Appropriations for FY-04, 2003.Ciceraro, Jose A, "Can you hear Me Now" White Paper for Congress, 2003.

Miscellaneous Edit | Delete
PLANS – OPERATIONS EXPERIENCE 1992-2000: Planned and executed the following DoD operations: • Operation Millennium, Year 2000 Transition• Operation Fundamental Infrastructure: Disaster Relief Venezuela flooding (1999)• Operation Allied Anvil-Kosovo War (1998-1999)• Operation Sustain Hope (Kosovo refugee transfer to Guantanamo –Cuba (1998), • Panama Canal Medical Transition Plan (1997-1998)• Operation Desert Fox (US air campaign against Iraq) (1998)• Operation Desert Strike II (US air campaign against Iraq) (1998)• Hurricane Mitch Disaster Assistance (1997-1998)• Operation-Provide Freedom Peru, Hostage situation, (1996.)• Manta-Ecuador Air Disaster (air accident Manta – Ecuador/burn victims-(1996)• Operation Laser Strike (Counter Drugs operations) (1996)• Operation Green Clover (Counter Drugs operations) (1996)• Operation Safe Borders (Peru-Ecuador Peace Keeping Operation dealing with peace initiatives in the Peru-Ecuador border war, (1995-1996)• Operation Safe Passage (return of Cuban Refugees to Cuba (1995)• Operation Distant Haven (Haitian Refugees at Guantanamo Bay/Surinam (1994)• Operation Safe Haven (Cuban Refugees at Guantanamo Bay/Panama (1994)• Operation Support Panama (Recovery-assistance in Panama 1992).

Miscellaneous Edit | Delete
Other Training and Education1 Capella University Business Continuity Management PSC-8638 6/12/20092 Capella University Emergency Management and the Justice System PSC-8615 3/14/20093 Capella University Psychological Trauma for First Responders PSC-8608 12/14/20084 United States Air Force Computer Security Computer Security 4/5/20085 United States Air Force Computer Security Computer Security 4/30/20076 United States Navy Ship Yard Safety N/A 7/3/20067 United States Navy Nuclear Reactor Safety N/A 7/3/20068 Department of Defense Anti-Terrorism Level-I 6/29/20069 United States Air Force Computer Security HIPPA 3/30/200610 United States Air Force Communication Security STE HIPPA 3/30/200611 United States Air Force HIPPA Security HIPPA 4/29/200512 United States Air Force HIPPA Privacy Policy HIPPA 4/29/200513 United States Air Force HIPPA PHI HIPPA 4/29/200514 United States Air Force HIPPA Refresher Course HIPPA 4/29/200515 United States Air Force HIPPA Senior Management Intro HIPPA 4/29/200516 United States Air Force HIPPA Marketing HIPPA 4/29/200517 United States Air Force HIPPA Senior Scenario HIPPA 4/29/200518 United States Air Force HIPPA Privacy Awareness HIPPA 4/29/200519 National Capital Region Command & Control NA 11/15/200420 National Capital Region COMSEC NA 11/15/200421 United States Fire Academy Community Disaster Exercise IS-120 6/28/200422 United States Fire Academy Special Events Planning IS-015 12/22/200323 York County Community Emergency CERT 11/22/200324 York County Field Exercise CERT 11/22/200325 York County Disaster Psychology CERT 11/13/200326 York County Terrorism CERT 11/6/200327 York County Light SAR CERT 10/30/200328 York County Fire Suppression CERT 10/23/200329 York County Disaster-Medical Operations-2 CERT 10/16/200330 York County Disaster-Medical Operations-1 CERT 10/8/200331 York County Disaster Preparedness CERT 10/2/200332 FEMA Animal in Disaster Volume II IS-011 6/11/200333 FEMA Animal in Disaster Volume I IS-010 2/10/200334 FEMA Terrorism for First Responder NFAC 1/14/200335 FEMA Earthquakes IS-008 11/14/200236 FEMA Hazardous Materials IS-005 10/7/200237 United States Navy Ship Yard Safety N/A 9/9/200138 United States Navy Nuclear Reactor Safety N/A 9/9/200139 International Pan-American Congress of International 11/5/199940 FEMA Terrorism Response NFAC 8/11/199941 USTRANSCOM Joint Operations & Planning JOPES 6/6/199942 Department of Defense Terrorism Response DoD 4/13/199943 FEMA Radiological Emergency IS-3 9/2/199844 FEMA Emergency preparedness IS-2 8/19/199845 United States Air Force Wound Ballistics DoD 2/6/199846 FEMA Emergency Program Manager IS-1 12/19/199747 United States Air Force HAZMAT 147179-DoD 12/17/199748 United States Air Force Joint Commission for Hospital JCAHO 9/5/199749 International United Nation's Conference Disaster Relief 5/1/199750 Department of Defense Joint Medical Planners JCS 9/1/199651 US SOUTHERN COMMAND NEO Training DoD 7/19/199652 US SOUTHERN COMMAND LATAM Disaster Relief DoD 6/4/199653 United States Air Force Medical Readiness Planner's DoD-J30ZR41A4 5/24/199654 USTRANSCOM JMCIS (Intel) E4OST33SOB- DoD 3/11/199655 USTRANSCOM G-SORTS E4OST33SOA-000 DoD 3/8/199656 USTRANSCOM Schedule & Movement JOPES 2/15/199657 USTRANSCOM Logistics Sustainment JOPES 2/14/199658 USTRANSCOM Requirements & Analysis JOPES 2/13/199659 USTRANSCOM Joint Operations & Planning JOPES 2/9/199660 International Congreso Militar International 10/28/199561 USTRANSCOM Joint Operations & Planning JOPES 6/16/199562 Department of Defense Information Security 4/7/1993
References Add Reference
ProfessionalGlass, ChristopherRear Admiral United States Navy (07) (301) 471-3346. GlassC@Pragmatics.com Edit | Delete

ProfessionalVivian, TalbotColonel USAF Retired(757) 873-0806 tnvivian@verizon.net Edit | Delete

ProfessionalCampuzano, FrankDirector Humanitarian MissionsHeadquarter 12th Air Force (SG/A3) 2915 S. 12th AF DriveDavis Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona 85707(152) 041-92615 afsouthops@aol.com Edit | Delete

ProfessionalConwell, Thomas JProject Manager, Software Development135 Forestview Drive Millbrook, Alabama 36054(334) 717-1048 RevConwell@gmail.com Edit | Delete

ProfessionalGralewski, StephenCIO-VA Iowa155 Melrose Dr. Waukee, Iowa 50263(703) 946-6355 Steve.gralewski@hotmail.com Edit | Delete
Resume Edit Resume
Text Resume•Purpose: Secure a position that best utilizing my senior level skills and advanced education in the area of emergency and/or healthcare management. Core Competencies• Proven executive leadership, strategic planning/analysis, and resource management. • 30 plus years of healthcare administration experience with contingency planning/emergency management projects that include international disaster relief.• Recognized for customer service & team-building leadership style.• Excellent trainer/instructor and courseware/technical writer. Management & Administration• Years of progressive emergency management, hospital administration, managerial, and leadership experience. Created strategies that improved management in the fields of safety, security and resource management. • Recognized in the top 10% by Rand Corporation in the planning, operations and emergency management areas. Years of progressively more responsible operational planning experience-expertise in Attachments Add Attachment(s)
Attachment File Name File Type Action
Continuing Education Continuing Education Other Edit    Delete
Resume JAC 2012 JAC Resume 6-12-2012 Resume Edit    Delete
Cover Letter for North Carolina Public Safety Division Cover Letter for North Carolina Public Health Division Cover Letter Edit    Delete
Reference Letters Jose Letter of Recommendation - TJC References Edit    Delete
References Jose ltr of Recommendation TV References Edit    Delete
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