Januari 09, 2017

Resume New

Judul: Resume New
Penulis: Ratnesh Kumar Anand

Dr. Ratnesh Kumar Anand Associate Professor
Post-graduate Department of Botany,
Munshi Singh College,
(B.R.A Bihar University, Muzaffarpur)
Motihari, East ChamparanBihar, Pincode- 845401, India
Mobile: +91-9430413792
E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:dr.rkanand@rediffmail.com" dr.rkanand@rediffmail.com
ratnesh.kumaranand11@gmail.com Position Held
1996-Till day:Associate Professor, P. G. Dept.of Botany, M S College, Motihari1981- 1995: Assistant Professor, R. L .S. Y. College, Bettiah2009-2012: P. O., N. S. S (Dept. of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India), M S College,MotihariUnit
Educational Qualification
Ph.D: B.R.A Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, 1996
M.Sc: Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1979.
B.Sc (Hons.): Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, 1975
Teaching/Research Experience
30 years- Ph. D., M. Sc., B. Sc. Botany (Honours & Subsidiary) and Microbiology(Vocational)
Supervisor- Registered- 3 Ph. D. scholars (One awarded).
Fellowship/ Membership/Honors
Membership of Professional Bodies & Societies:
Life Member: National Academy ofSciences,India
Life Member: International Mendelian Society, India
Life Member: The Institute of Applied Sciences, India
Life Member: Blue Planet Society, India
Technical Editor: Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, Science Alert, Pakistan
Certificate of Honor:
Leading Scientist of the World – International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 2010.
Best Teacher Award – M.S. College, Motihari, India Teacher's Day, 2007
Distinguished Leadership – American Biographical Institute, U.S.A., 2000
M.N.A.Sc. – National Academy of Sciences, India, 1995.
Academic Courses
Refresher Courses: Five (5); UGCAcademic Staff College;Botany:3, Life Science:1, Environmental Science:1
Orientation Courses: One (1), August 18-27, 2009, T & R C, R.K. Mission, Lokasiksha Parishad, Narendrapur, Kolkata.
Research Contribution
Research Experience:
Supervisor / Guide: "Cyto-morphological Exploration about Some of Ethnobotanical Significant Biodiversity of Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai Biosphere: 2000- 2006.
Ph.D. Thesis: Topic entitled "Cyto-morphological Exploration about some plants used by tribal communities of Indo-Nepal Tarai region". (1996)
M.Sc. Dissertation: " Microflora (Bacteria & fungi) of Rhizosphere and Non-rhizosphere of Wheat": 1979
Research Project (if any):
Principal Investigator: Project entitled "Collection of Plant Sample and Verification of The Practices Received From National Innovation Foundation" funded by N I F (Autonomous body of DST, Govt. of India) : April 2011-2012
Principal Investigator: Project entitled "Ethnobotany of Champaran" funded by U.G.C. No.F-4-4/95 (SR II): 1996-1998
Principal Investigator: Project entitled"Cyto-Morphological Exploration of Ethno-Medicinal Legumes of Indo-Nepal Himalayan Tarai" funded by U.G.C. 2010-2012
Book Published
A Text Book of Plant Biotechnology- Published by LAP LAMBERT Publishing, Germany, 2012
Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants and Their Cultivation- A contributor of a chapter in edited book, Published by Manglam Publications, Delhi, India, 2012
Himalaya BanausadhiyeUpcharVidhi – X-Ray Printer and Publication, Motihari, 2003.
The KarmBhumi- A Souvenir of Mahatma Gandhi in Champaran, Dafina Publ., Motihari, 1994
National Seminar Proceeding and Abstract of Forest-Nature At Your Service, 2012
Seminar/Symposium Organized
National Level
March, 2012: "Forest- Nature At Your Service at M. S. College, Motihari, Bihar; Sponsored by U.G.C. Govt. of India
November, 2009: "Role of Youth In The Current Scenario of Terrorism" at M. S. College, Motihari, Bihar; Sponsored by National Service Scheme.
October, 2000: "Gandhian Environmentalism- Retrospect and Prospect for 21st Century" at R.L.S.Y. College, Bettiah, Bihar; Sponsored by U.G.C., Govt. of India.
Plenary Lecture (2)
India's Opportunity for cultivation of medicinal plants in Himalayan region of Bihar (Champaran) in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Forest- Nature At Your Service, March 12-13, 2012
India's Concern of Groundwater and National Water Policy in the UGC sponsored National Seminar, April 14-15, 2012
Publications: 40(In Reviewed/Referred/Indexed/Abstracted International & National Journals and Books)
Full Length Article (13)
Anand, R. K. and Srivastava, S. 2012: India's Opportunity for Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in Himalayan Region of Bihar (Champaran), India. In: Kumari, A., Lal, R. K. &Khajuria, R. K. (eds.) Recent Advances in Medicinal Plants And Their Cultivation. Mangalam Publications, Delhi: 191-209
Kumar, A., Anand, R.K. and Srivastava, S.2011: Launaea asplenifolia: Bio-chemichal impact on population stability in tharu tribe of Indo-Nepal Himalayan tarai of Bihar. Indian J. Sci. Res. 2(3): 89-91
Kumar, A.,Pandey, D., Anand, R. K. and Chaudhary, N. 2011: Study of adsorption of arsenic metal from aqueous solution through local adsorbent saw dust. Indian J. Sci. Res. 2(4) : 73-78
Anand, R. K. and Srivastava, S. 2011: Cyto-morphological study of ethno-medicinal resource Nepeta hindostana( Roth ) Haines from Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai region. Bioherald ( Int. Jour. of Biodiversity & Environment ) 1(2): 133-136
Anand , R.K. and Srivastava, S.2011: Impact of Launaea asplenifolia on population stability in Tharu Tribe of Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai, Bihar. BIONOTES 13 (1): 17-18.
Anand, R.K.,Baitha, S. N. and Pandey, V. S. 2006: Cyto-morphological study on four major vegetable cucurbits from diversity rich Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 85: 86-89
Anand, R.K. and Srivastava, S.2004: Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical study of the Terai of Champaran, Bihar. Int. J. For. Usuf. Mngt. 5 (1&2) 25-34
Anand, R.K., Prasad, B.,Singh, R.B.2001 : Correlation amongst various physico-chemical factors, phyto and zooplankton of a lotic water body of Indo-Nepal Himalayan terai region of Bihar. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India71 B (11): 137-147
Anand, R.K. 2000: Bio- diversity and Tribal Association of Acalypha indica L. in Indo-Nepal HimalyanTerai Region. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India70 (B) 11: 153-158.
Anand, R.K., Singh, R.B. and Jha, S.K. 2000: Cyto-morphological studies in Colchi induced Tetraploids of Abrus precatorius L. Int. J. Mendel17 (1-2): 45-48
Anand, R.K. 1995: Bio-diversity and Tribal Association of B. diffusa L. in Indo-Nepal HimalyanTerai Region. Flora and Fauna: 1,2: 167-170.
Anand, R.K .and Srivastava, R.B. 1994: Ethnopharmacological study of Adiantum lunulatum Burn F. Indian Fern. J. 11:137-141
Anand, R. K. 1994: Fungal Microflora of Rhizosphere and Non-Rhizosphere of Wheat Teriticum aestivum L. Bio-Journal 6:1 & 2:51-54
Review Articles (2)
Anand, R.K. and Singh, R.B. 2012: Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria): the historic plant of Indian
Freedom movement needs cultivation resurgence. Bioherald (Int. Jour. of Biodiversity & Environment); 2(1): 15-18.
Anand, R.K. and Ranjan, R.2002: Protein Prenylation in Higher Eukaryotes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India,72B (1): 25-35
Abstracts (16)
Kumari, N., Mishra, A. and Anand, R. K. 2012. Ethno-medicinal legumes used to cure different diseases by rural folks and tribes of terai of Bihar.OP-3PP.36 of the National Seminar on Forest-Nature At Your Service March 12-13, 2012 organized by Post graduate dept. of Botany, M. S. College, MotihariAnand, R.K., Srivastava, S. and Baitha, S.N. 2011.Cytomorphological study of Ethnomedicinal resource Nepeta hindostana (Roth) Haines from Indo-Nepal Himalayan Tarai Region OP-14P.86 of National Symposium on Bio-Technological perspective of Plants,Microbes, and Their interactions, January 15-17, 2011 by UGC Centre of Special Assistance Programme (SAP) DRS-Phase-I,University Department of Botany, B.R.A.B.U., Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Anand, R.K. and Srivastava, S. 2011 Viable ethnomedicinal plants of Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai, of Bihar, India OP-BS-P-571 P.33 of 4th Bihar Science Conference February 11-13 organized by Bihar Brains Scholastic Centre hosted by L.S. College, Muzaffapur, Bihar (India).
Anand R.K. and Anand, S. 2004: Biodiversity and tribal association of Nepata hindostana L. In Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai Region. 79 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (B): 79
Anand, R.K. and Srivastava, S 2003: Biodiversity and tribal association of Calotropis procera in Indo- Nepal HimalyanTerai Region. 79 Proc. Nat .Acad. Sci. India (B) : 57
Anand, R.K. 2002: Ethnobotanical Plants used by the Tharu tribe of Indo-Nepal Terai, Champaran, Bihar. Proc. Recent Advances of Plant Science, Nepal: 53.
Anand, R.K. and Srivastava, S. 2002: Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical study of the Himalayan Terai of Champaran. 72 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (B): 37.
Anand, R.K.andRanjan, R.2002: Polyprenols and aging of Leaves, Proc. Recent Advances of Plant Science, Nepal: 19.
Anand R.K. 2001: Ethnomedicinal Plants used by the Tharu tribe of Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai, Bihar India 71 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (B): 19.
Anand, R.K. 2000: Biodiversity and Tribal Association of Causulia axillaris in Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai Region 70 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (B) : 8.
Anand R.K. 1999: Biodiversity and tribal Association of A. indica L. In Indo-Nepal HimalyanTerai region 69 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (B) : 8
Anand, R.K. and Srivastava, V.K. 1997: Physiological & Pathological studies of Curvularia sp. associated with three Ethnobotanical Plants of Indo-Nepal Himalayan terai Biosphere, 67 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India (B): 33.
Anand, R.K., Vihar, V., Roy, V.K.andTulika, A. 1994: Effect of pollution on Laucas aspera. 81 Proc. Indian Sci. Cong. Assoc VIII, Botany, Jaipur, Goa.
Anand. R.K., Vihari, V., Roy, V.K. and Tulika, A. 1994: Virnonia cinerea. Acommon weed of Indo-Nepal Terai. 81 Proc. Indian Sci. Cong. Sect. Part III: 103.
Anand, R.K. And Vihari, V. 1993: Rungia repensNees. A maiden Cytological observation 80Proc. Indian Sci. Cong. Assoc. Botany, Goa.
Anand, R.K., Vihari V. and Roy, V.K. 1993: Launaea asplenifolia Cass. Population stability in tribal community 80Proc. Indian Sci. Cong. Assoc. Botany, Goa.
Popular Media: 9
Anand, R.K. 2010: ChamparankeVanaspaticSampada, Souvenir of Champaran Sanskritik Mahotsava , Bihar.
Anand, R.K 2010: Champaran, PrakirtiKaAnupamUpahar: 12 June, TheDainik Jagran, Daily. P.6, Patna
Anand, R.K. 2004: Gandhi ke Paryavaranbad se Badal Saktihai Champaranke VikaskiTakdir, The Hindustan, 02 Oc.t 7.
Anand, R.K. 2004: Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical study of the Himalayan Terai of Champaran, souvenir of ChamparanSanskritikMahotsava, Motihari, Bihar: 68-74.
Anand, R.K. 2000: DurlabhAushadhikPaudhonkiDharatiChamparan, The Aaj, Daily Dristi, April, 1 Patna, India
Anand, R.K. 1998: VartmanMahaul Ewan Gandhi kaParyawaranvad, TheAaj, Daily, Tana-Bana, 5, Oct., 3 Patna, India.
Anand, R.K. (1987-93): The NavBharat Times. Daily, Patna, India. Thrust Area-Man & Environment of Champaran and Adjoining region of Nepal as a Correspondent.
Anand R.K. 1992: Jangal Se DurlabhSamagriyaLupt Ho RahiHai, G.B. Parwekchhak, June 6 Patna, India.
Anand, R.K.1989: Champaran Me KamHoteJaRaheHaiBagh, TheBettiah Times Van Sampada&Paryawaran Issue, India, 1:43.
International/National Conferences/ Workshop/Symposiums
Seminar on "Science & Technology in Ancient Indian Texts (STAIT)" organized by Special centre for Sanskrit Studies, J.N.U. New Delhi & Centre for India Studies, University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth) U.S.A at New Delhi, India, January 2010.
Workshop on "Microbial Contamination and Spoilage of Industrial Products and its Consequences on Consumers in Nepal": organized by H.K.M. Campus, Birgunj, Nepal, July 2008.
Workshop on "Microbial Contamination of Food Material and its Impact on Human Health in Birgunj": Organized by H.K.M. Campus, Birgunj, Nepal, July 2007.
Seminar cum Workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques organized by UGC centre of Special Assistance Programme (SAP)-DRS: Phase-1, University Department of Botany, BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, March 4-9, 2013
Symposium on Bio-Technological perspective of Plants,Microbes, and Their interactions, by UGC Centre of Special Assistance Programme (SAP) DRS-Phase-I, University Department of Botany, B.R.A.B.U., Muzaffarpur, Bihar; January 15-17, 2011
20114th Bihar Science Conference organized by Bihar Brains Scholastic Centre hosted by L.S. College, Muzaffapur, Bihar (India); February 11-13, 2011.
Symposium on Astronomy in the New Millennium, Organized by Gujarat University& Physical Research Lab. Ahmadabad, October 2003.
Conference on Biochemistry in the Services of Mankind, Sponsored by U.G.C, K. C. T. C. College, Raxaul, January 2003.
Seminar on Recent Advances in Plant Sciences, organized by TRM Campus (Tribhuvan University), Birganj, Nepal, March 2002
Symposium on Coping with Natural Hazards organized by Pune Univ. & NASI, India, Pune, October 2001.
Symposium on Harvesting Science and Technology for the New Era, Organized by Allahabad Univ. and NASI, India, Allahabad, November 2000.
Symposium on Information Technology and its application, organized by Burkatulla Univ. and NASI, India; Bhopal, November 1999
Symposium on Science& Technology for sustainable Development organized by Utkal Univ. and National Academy of Science, India, Bhuvaneshwar, October 1997.
Correspondent – The Navbharat Times, Patna, Bihar: Hindi Daily Newspaper from Bettiah, West Champaran District; 1987-1993.
Extension Work/ Community Services
Programme Officer:National Service Scheme (Dept. of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India)M.S. College, Motihari Unit.
Volunteer: National Development Service, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal for one year, 1997.
Educationist Member:Primary Education Council, District- West Champaran( 1992-93)
Chaired, Lead&Participated in many awareness campaign for the Human right, Environment, Education and Women rights.
Personal Details
Name: Dr.Ratnesh Kumar AnandFather's Name:Late BipinBihariVermaDate of Birth:19-06-1955
Residential Address: Lane No. 2, Azad Nagar, Balua Tal, Motihari- 845401, East Champaran, Bihar
Contact No. +91-9430413792, 06252- 230334
Significant Scientific Contributions
I have ventured to discover and published the biodiversity, ethnobotanical, ethno-medicinal, ethno-pharmacological and environmental aspect of Indo-Nepal juncture of the Himalayan Tarai forest, Shivalik foot hills forest and flora of the Gangatic plains with specific consideration on their cyto-morphological, cyto-genetical, liminological, ecological and medicinal properties in relation to socio-economic conditions of the aboriginal people of the Himalayan Tarai and the Gangatic region of Bihar, India.
At present I am authenticating and exploring the novel plant genetic resources of economic and medicinal valueof the Indo-Nepal Himalayan Terai region in the light of the Gandhian Environmentalism, SustainableDevelopment, Biotechnological and Molecular approaches which lead to the productivities and processes.
I have contributed significantly in the field of the Himalayan Biodiversity, Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants and Environmental Science.
I hereby declare that all the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Ratnesh Kumar Anand,
June, 2013, Motihari,
E. Champaran,Bihar

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