Februari 01, 2017

Resume Rachel Feinberg 2014 9 11 doc

Judul: Resume Rachel Feinberg 2014 9 11 doc
Penulis: Rachel Feinberg

Rachel Lauren Feinberg
Address:707 York Rd apt 5328
Towson, MD 21204
Phone:(443) 465-5753
Email: rlfeinberg89@gmail.com

EDUCATIONBachelor of Science, University of Denver, March, 2012
Major: Psychology
Minors: Geographic Information Systems,

Project Management
Managing databases (CDW)
Working in teams
Working with children
Microsoft Suites & Outlook
Customer service
Writing reports and scientific papers
Administrative duties
Social media Advertising
Data Analysis (SPSS, ArcGis)
Data Entry
Creating brochures
Presentation skills
Proficiency with PC and MACs
Outstanding Research Award University of Denver
Creating posters
Caring Communities 10/2014-current
I am currently working on a short-term basis for a nonprofit organization, Caring Communities, doing marketing work and contributing to event preparation for the World of Possibility Disabilities Expo. In addition, my job responsibilities include finding vendors for our expo, promoting our organization, and preparing materials for respite care training.
Trellis Service Inc
Instructor 6/2014-7/2014
I worked at the Trellis Services where i worked on 1:1 basis in a classroom teach challenging elementary children who have autism. Teaching method utilized were applied verbal behavior and natural environment teaching.
National Institute of Mental Health-Pediatric and Development Neuroscience Branch
Research Fellow 4/2013-5/2014
I worked with Dr. Thurm's lab using neuroimaging and behavioral techniques to study Autism
Spectrum Disorder. Here, I was involved in administrative duties and subject recruitment. My
administrative duties include keeping inventory, answering phone calls, managing databases,
and ordering clinical supplies. In addition, I helped with ensuring that participants qualified
for studies and checking that proper enrollment dates were entered and documented
within clinical research software. One of my main responsibility was subject recruitment,
which includes preparing recruitment related material such creating brochures, and advertising .Through this experience i gained knowledge on utilizing social media ,event preparation and running booths at several events such as Autism Speak Walk 2014 and NIH Family Services Day. In addition, I connected with various local agencies and companies and formed potential recruitment partnerships. I also have experience assisting with neuropsychological assessments,particularly those relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder in infants and toddlers. Furthermore, I have extensive experience interacting with patients and families going though difficult medical situations and acting as liaison between physician and patient. Most recently, I have created and presented a poster titled "Validity of CBCL for Measurements of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Sympto
ms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" at the annual 2014 NIMH Training Day.
Contact: Dr. Thurm: athurm@mail.nih.gov
National Institute on Drug Abuse – Molecular Neuropsychiatry
Research Fellow8/2012-3/2013
My project here was using a rodent model for testing the role of epigenetics in methamphetamine (MA) addiction. Previous work done in the lab has shown that MA alters gene expression, which may lead to compensatory neuroadaptation. Additionally, it has been found that MA affects epigenetic targets such as histone acetylation, deacetylation and MECP2. I helped to develop the self-administration program and facilities in the pilot phase of our study. Through this experience, I learned the procedures to implement self-administration in the rodent model.
Contact: Dr.Cadet: jcadet@intra.nida.nih.gov
National Institute on Drug Abuse – Neuroimaging Branch
Summer Intern Scholar 6/2012-8/2012
My project was to study and understand the interaction of the BDNFval66 polymorphism and childhood trauma in adult subjects with high child abuse and low child abuse by examining fMRI resting state functional connectivity using the Freesurfer data. The aim of the project was to look for differences between subjects with val genotype, and met genotype in the resting state data and examine the interactions between the polymorphism and childhood trauma in associated with abnormalities in brain imaging. I analyzed the fMRI data using AFNI, focusing on bilateral insula and bilateral amygdala. In addition, I gained experience using clinical data management software CDW. I received program training and certification in lab safety, work environment, and data analysis. Finally, I presented my research project at a summer research symposium held jointly between the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Aging.
Contact:Dr.Mary Lee mary.lee@nih.govUniversity of Denver Child Health and Development Laboratory
Research Assistant10/2009 - 06/2010
My main responsibility was data maintenance for a long term study comparing children of recent immigrants with children of non-immigrant status, and how their preschool daily activity and outside quality of life negatively affected the HPA axis as measured by cortisol levels. I was actively involved in lab meetings, and particularly interested in possible unique buffers or protective factors children of recent immigrants might possess. Most of my data maintenance work was done using SPSS and Excel, and I also assisted with saliva cortisol collection.
Contact: Dr. Watamura: swatamura@psy.du.edu
John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth
Resident Assistant6/2010-8/2010
My main responsibility was to oversee the health and safety of the students who resided in my hall during their participation in the Center for Talent Youth summer program at John Hopkins University. In addition, I was responsible for planning daily and weekend activities for the students. I also created rosters for activity leaders and helped to organize students' schedules.
John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth: ctysummer@jhu.edu
Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth
Program Assistant7/2009-8/2009
I was responsible for a class of 12 gifted 9 year olds, inside and outside the classroom. Although I initially assisted the teacher with class management, for the final week of the program I was asked to be a substitute teacher with full responsibility for the class.
John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth: ctysummer@jhu.edu
Kennedy Krieger Center for Genetic Disorders of Cognition and Behavior
Research Assistant6//2006-8/2006 and
I worked with Dr. Walter Kaufmann for two summers while in high school. Initially, I was placed in his lab as a minority high school student through Johns Hopkins University, doing data entry and office work. I later advanced to data analysis of a longitudinal study of autistic behaviors in Fragile X Syndrome. My contribution led to a publication (see below). The study looked at autistic behaviors in boys with Fragile X Syndrome who met the diagnostic criteria of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Contact: Walter Kaufmann: walter.kaufmann@childrens.harvard.edu
ADDITIONAL Social Justice Living and Learning Community, University of Denver
ACTIVITIES This was a competitive program for students who want to learn about their social and moral development as individuals and as a community. The program is specifically for student who want to fix community and social issues. This program had its own core curriculum.
Courses:Grant writing 101 January 18-2013 (NIH), University of Denver
Introduction to Statics and Research Methods.
Recent volunteer activities: Metro CareRIng 2012 , Homeless connect 2009
HONORS Outstanding Research Award, University of Denver Psychology Department, 2009-2010
PUBLICATION Hernandez RN, Feinberg RL, Vaurio R, Passanante NM, Thompson RE, Kaufmann WE. Autism spectrum disorder in fragile X syndrome: a longitudinal evaluation, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 149:1125-37, 2009.
POSTER Feinberg RL, Demers C, Hong LE, Lee M, Salmeron BJ. The Effects of BDNFval66 Met and Early Life Stress Resting State Functional Connectivity in Healthy Volunteers. Joint NIH research symposium, 2012.
Rachel Feinberg, Cristan Farmer, and Audrey Thurm. Validity of the Child
Behavior Checklist for the Measurement of Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
Disorder Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. NIMH
Training day, 2014.

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