Januari 15, 2017

Summative Assessment - Personal Branding Resume Workshop

Judul: Summative Assessment - Personal Branding Resume Workshop
Penulis: Angela Alcerro

Summative Assessment – Personal Branding Resume Workshop
Angela Carney Alcerro
February 17, 2014
EDUC 521, Section 27852
Dr. Emmy Min
Rossier School of Education
University of Southern California
The Personal Branding Statement as it informs language and self-promotion
This summative assessment is in the form of an e-portfolio to assess listening, writing and to some extent speaking skills at the end of a preliminary milestone in which students were to have their edited resume, sample images and online portfolio link available in preparation for an internship fair. The context is an urban art college, junior year. It is a mixed class of 20 students. 3 are native English speakers. The balance is an L1 breakdown as follows: Korean (11), Mandarin (3), Spanish (2), and Hebrew (1). Three students are trilingual. The rationale for choosing an e-portfolio is to gauge student progress over time in a more holistic manner and also to help manage the size of the class that doubled from week one to week two. Using an e-portfolio also provides retrievable evidence for accreditation purposes.
Rationale and Justification
This assessment addresses several skills in a progressive manner. It also addresses some issues of lack of participation and discourse observed among some international students leading to limitations of the art school and college experience. It focuses on listening micro-skills through the retention of chunks of language of different lengths into short-term memory while recognizing cohesive devices in spoken discourse. The macro listening skills are to infer situations and goals using real-world knowledge in the form of a class wide brainstorm and small group discussion on the personal branding statement to prepare for a real world event, the internship fair. Another important macro-skill of listening, to develop a battery of listening skills and strategies such as detecting key words, guessing the meaning of words from context and appealing for help manifests itself in the individual work on the resume in tandem with one-on-one consultation with the instructor. Micro-skills in writing and speaking connect to the ones in listening: using cohesive devices in written discourse and appropriately accomplishing communicative functions of written material in line with its form and purpose.
Since all language users perform acts of listening, speaking and writing, the relationship between the interacting concepts can be observed in class and assessed through the product, in this case, the resume as part of a larger project. Because of the performative nature of this exercise and the potential for fallibility of results, it is important to triangulate measurements. I chose to use as the nucleus the personal branding statement that defines "who you are", "what you are good at", and "what are you known or want to be known for". The statement would then extend to the digital footprint or trail left on the Internet, the resume, the sample sheet, online portfolio, traditional portfolio and interviewing skills. This summative assessment focuses on a resume workshop to fulfill a preliminary milestone. All parts of the portfolio development are iterative in nature, making both the triangulation and the use of the e-portfolio an appropriate choice. For this assessment, I go from the general to the specific. I start with a class brainstorm that is fun, quick moving, tactile and lo-tech. There are four categories: Strengths, areas for development, areas of interest and what we think employers want. The results were typed up and shared with the class. Next was a demonstration of branding in self-promotion through a guest speaker who brought thoroughly branded promotional materials. Branding in this context refers to creating a memorable experience of an individual tied to unifying visual cues. This prepares for the second part of triangulation that is to craft a personal branding statement in small groups that are student chosen. This takes 15 minutes. The final leg of the triangulation is to work individually on all parts of the resume. I differentiate instruction through the optional use of a resume worksheet and a preloaded PowerPoint saved as a PDF so that students can access on all devices. Instructors provide further support through one on one consultation.
Evaluation through the five principles
The multiple measures of an evolving e-portfolio will allow for multiple measures giving a more reliable and valid measure than a one-time measure. The assessment is highly authentic because it is to prepare for a real event that will take place in less than two weeks. The washback will be positive through triangulation, modeling and bonding through class and small group activities. Since the content is student selected and display is public on the e-portfolio platform, it should be fair and free of bias and ultimately lead to positive intrinsic motivation.
The appendices provide visual documentation of the e-portfolio, the triangulation process and the results of the resume workshop. There is a before and after consultation resume which corrected grammar while exploring what the student wanted to uniquely promote about herself. Finally there is the grading rubric for this section of portfolio development.
Appendix A – Course e-portfolio - Introduction

Appendix B – Course e-portfolio – Brainstorm – full class

Appendix C – Course e-portfolio – Strategy change – class size doubled – new milestone

Appendix D – Course e-portfolio – Resume Workshop

Appendix A – Course e-portfolio - Milestone

Appendix F – Course e-portfolio – Resumes incorporating branding statements

Appendix G – Course e-portfolio – Resume before and after – note second section

Appendix H – Resume workshop rubric
TOYD 455B - Portfolio Development
3-hour workshop session to brainstorm your personal branding statement, apply to objective and complete remaining parts of the resume in a cohesive design. This is one of a four-part assignment – Resume, Promo sheet, online portfolio and mock interview.
3 2 1 Comments
Personal Branding Statement –
Explains what you are good at and what you are known for.
2-3 well-crafted and thoughtful sentences that synthesize self and peer knowledge of strengths and abilities with what employers are looking for.
Decent effort to work in groups and discourse. 2-3 sentences that synthesize self and peer knowledge of strengths and abilities with what employers are looking for.
Some effort to work in groups and discourse. Sentences do not appear to synthesize self and peer knowledge of strengths and abilities with what employers are looking for.
Little effort to work in groups and discourse. Score:
Resume Parts:
Languages Resume is complete, attention to detail: edited, free of spelling and grammatical errors, use of keywords and action verbs Resume is complete, some attention to detail: minor spelling and grammatical errors, some use of keywords and action verbs Resume is incomplete, not edited, spelling and grammatical errors, scant use of keywords and action verbs Score:
Aesthetics Overall layout is pleasing and logical, good choice of typeface weight and size, attention to typography principles
Overall layout is logical, suitable typeface weight and size, some attention to typography principles
Overall layout hard to follow inappropriate choice of typeface weight and size, little attention to typography principles
Assessment portfolios and English language learners: Frequently asked questions and a case study of the brooklyn international high school. (n.d.). The Education Alliance at Brown University. doi:
Grant, V. (n.d.). To e or not to e: Electronic portfolios in the adult ESL classroom [Scholarly project]. In Granteportfolio. Retrieved January 19, 2014, from http://www.hpu.edu/CHSS/LangLing/TESOL/ProfessionalDevelopment/201080TWPfall10/GrantEportfolio.pdf
Moya, S. S., & O'Malley, M. (1994). A portfolio assessment model for ESL. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students, 13(Spring), 13-36. Retrieved January 17, 2014, from http://www.ncela.us/files/rcd/BE019739/A_Portfolio_Assessment.pdf
Munca, D. (2014, January 17). EFL Portfolios. Lecture presented at Integrating Student Portfolios in ESL Instruction in Moldova. Retrieved January 17, 2014, from http://www.slideshare.net/daniMD/efl-portfolios
Performance Assessment. (n.d.). Wisconsin Education Association Council. Retrieved from http://www.weac.org/professional_resources/Testing/performance_assessment.aspx
Santa Barbara city college pre-test practice - standard test. (n.d.). Santa Barbara City College Pre-test Practice - Standard Test. Retrieved January 19, 2014, from http://www.sbcc.edu/assessmentcenter/files/esltest.pdf
Trudell, S. (n.d.). Portfolios in the ESL Classroom: A Critical Review of the Literature. Unpublished manuscript, San Diego State University. Retrieved January 17, 2014, from http://rhetoric.sdsu.edu/lore/2_1/04_trudell.pdf
Welcome to NCELA | NCELA. (n.d.). Welcome to NCELA | NCELA. Retrieved January 19, 2014, from http://www.ncela.us/

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