Januari 09, 2017

Application Letter, Resume, and Fax Cover Sheet

Judul: Application Letter, Resume, and Fax Cover Sheet
Penulis: Poop Butt

Application Letter, Resume, and Fax Cover Sheet
Project Description:
In this project, you will work with a fax cover sheet, an application letter, and a resume. To complete the project you will create a table, add text to a table, and format tables. You will also insert text from a file, change and reorganize text, use Find and Replace, use proofing tools, and use a template.
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:
Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word. Download and open the file named go_w02_grader_h3.docx. 0
2 On Page 2, on the second blank line below the line containing St. Petersburg, FL 33713, insert the text from the downloaded file go_w02_grader_h3_text.docx. 6
3 Move to the top of the document, and then run a spelling and grammar check on the document. Ignore fax, ignore all occurrences of Huelsman, correct the spelling error webcite (which should be website), correct the grammar error wood (which should be would), correct the spelling error conventient (which should be convenient), and correct the spelling error wouild (which should be would). 6
4 Replace all instances of posting with listing. 6
5 On Page 2, in the paragraph that begins The job description, use the Thesaurus to replace the word specific with explicit. In the same paragraph, replace the word credentials with its synonym qualifications. 6
6 On Page 2, in the paragraph that begins I currently, move the first sentence to the end of the paragraph. 6
7 On Page 2, in the second blank line below the paragraph that begins The job description, insert a two-column, three-row table. Add the following text to the table you just inserted:Left column:EducationExperienceRequired CertificationsRight Column:Bachelor of Science, Business ManagementTwo years computer support experience at a major universityMCITP, MCDST 12
8 On Page 2, AutoFit the contents of the table. 6
9 To the table on Page 2, apply the Table Grid Light table style (under Plain Tables, in the first row, the second style). 6
10 Center the table on Page 2 between the left and right margins. 4
11 On Page 3, insert a row above the second row in the table. Add the following text to the row you just inserted:Left column:OBJECTIVERight column:To obtain a Business Programmer Analyst position that will use my technical and communications skills and computer support experience. 12
12 In the row you just added, apply Bold to the word OBJECTIVE, and then in the second cell, add 12 pt Spacing After. 4
13 On Page 3, remove all borders from the resume table, and then apply a custom single solid line 1 1/2 pt top border to only the first row. 4
14 On Page 3, merge the cells in the first row of the table. Center the contents of the merged cell, and apply Bold. 4
15 On Page 3, in the first row, select William Franklin, change the Font Size to 20 pt, and then add 24 pt Spacing Before. 5
16 On Page 3, in the line containing the email address at the bottom of the first cell, change the Spacing After to 24 pt. 5
17 On Page 3, select the text in the cell to the right of CERTIFICATIONS. Format the text in the cell as a bulleted list with solid round bullets. 4
18 On Page 1, in the Subject content control, type Application for Job Listing on Alumni Website. 4
19 Save and close the document. Exit Word. Submit the document as directed. 0
Total Points =SUM(ABOVE) 100

Download Application Letter, Resume, and Fax Cover Sheet.docx

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